Why the Average Cost Overrun doesn’t tell the whole story

This will be my last (short) blog for the time being and I will discuss an interesting old article I found on MIT Technology Review posted in 2013. It’s about how a bad IT project can bring down an entire corporation. One of the things mentioned in this article is the fact that companies use […]

Software Engineer with Project Management Skills

Being a software engineer, like myself, often times you are left to carry out activities mainly in the technical aspects of a project and you are rarely exposed to the more managerial parts of the project. Software engineers I’ve met so far also prefer to stay busy with technical side of things. However, I personally […]

Practical Points for Successful Project Management

Today I would like to blog about some points to follow in order to increase your chances of managing projects with a successful outcome. An Australian based company called Goal Group shares ten practical points that can help project managers and companies around the world. 1. Clear goals and/ or objectivesMake sure the goals you […]

An introduction to Systems Thinking, from a public health point of view

Today I had a very interesting, but very abstract lecture, if I may say so myself, that talked about a theory that I have never heard of. Systems Theory, introduced by Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy and, in its most basic understanding, deals with observing the behaviors of the interconnected parts of a system and how […]

Challenges for a company that sells online services

Previously I talked about some of the challenges experienced by organizations who sell physical products. In this day and age, online services are also pretty common products that consumers can pay money for. However, organizations that provide these kinds of online services also have their unique set of challenges when delivering these kinds of products. […]

Challenges for a company that sells physical products

The kinds of products a company sells truly determines the types of resources a company needs in order to properly deliver and support clients when the product has actually been bought. Selling a car for example, comes with totally different requirements than selling a website service, even though the client can be the exact same […]

Quick interview with a real project manager

So today I got a great opportunity to interview someone who deals a lot with project management. She works for a large organization in Europe and gave me some insights on some of the challenges she faces when choosing projects and making sure they are executed according to plan. I’m going to briefly discuss 3 […]